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A great two-day trip with a great group to visit the lighthouses in and around our Beaver Archipelago from the wonderful South Fox Island Lighthouses to the Old Waugoshance Point Lighthouse. With all the progress on the Island - new pavement in town, new homes, new medical center, new police, today we were overjoyed to see three horse drawn buggies on the East Side Drive reminding us what Beaver Island is all about.
Beaver Island is an outstanding, reasonably-priced family vacation destination and a superb get away for couples young and old. You can find local fast food, family dining and outstanding regional cuisine. Surrounded by Lake Michigan and with a number of inland lakes, just about any kind of fresh water recreation has a place on Beaver Island.
Welcome To Beaver Island! Beaver Island A. Much like us, its a work in progress and your feedback is greatly appreciated. If you have ideas that would be helpful we would love to hear them. We also offer a means for interacting right here. Just leave a message or a question. For Beaver Island AA Meeting Times and Locations Visit the Meetings Page.
2017 Beaver Island Invasives Survey. Beaver Island 2 Year Invasive Treatment Plan. Cultural Resources of Garden and High Islands. BI Archipelago Invasive Species Control.
Thank You to Our Partners. Beaver Island Studio and Gallery.